Super Low Budget Option

For FULL SERVICE casting options, CLICK HERE. Otherwise try our:

Super Low Budget Casting Option

No money for casting? Try our self-service option.

You get:
1. A custom @rvacasting email account to manage your submissions. (Access by Gmail, Outlook, Mac Mail, the Web, or have it forward to any email account).
2. One casting blast to our database of over 1,000 local and regional actors. (Segmented to the breakdown that you provide)
3. One crew blast to our database of over 300 local and regional crew members.
4. Casting and/or crew notice on our website.
5. 50% discount for a national blast through Backstage.

All this for a total cost of $275.

Or for FULL SERVICE casting options, CLICK HERE.

If you are interested in using our services, email us at